More Orchids in Bloom
This is Maxillaria juergensis. I have always had a thing for black orchids and this one comes close. There are a few out there that are much more black, but I don't rember their names. This is a cute minature with pin cushion type leaves and bulbs that produces these interesting flowers. The lip looks wet eventhough it isn't. I think this aids polination somehow?
This is Leptotes bicolor and is a real nice minature. It has 2 inch terete leaves and produces these nice 1 inch flowers. I have seen some great speciman plants of this orchid, but have a ways to go with mine.
This is Cirrhopetalum lasiochilum. I have seen color forms of this species from pale green yellow, to this form, to a dark burgundy red color. It is easy to grow except that it is a creeper and is best mounted on bark. I use cork bark allot but tree fern works well also.