Saturday, April 26, 2008

Blog anniversary and Cayman Island ghost orchid

This weekend marks the 3-year anniversary of our Orchidelirium orchid blog! I was hoping to have some new pictures to post this weekend, but our trip to a nearby greenhouse hasn't worked out yet. Watch for some greenhouse pictures in the next couple of weeks!

Meanwhile, I found an interesting article about ghost orchids on the Cayman Islands. I didn't know that the ghost orchid Dendrophylax fawcettii is found only in Grand Cayman. The very rare orchids were found on a section of land designated to be cleared for a new road so construction has been halted for the last few weeks. In case you're wondering like I was, the Florida ghost orchid is Polyradicion lindenii.

Here is another picture of the Grand Cayman ghost orchid.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Snowy calypso orchid

Sasha snapped this picture of a snowy fairy slipper orchid this past weekend while out hiking in a very late west coast winter snow storm!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blog updates and Borneo showcase

Today I found a little bit of time to do some orchid blog spring cleaning. I have added a new blog to the Orchid blog list - Orchidaceous Blog, which features lots of regular and informative orchid posts. I have also made a few other little changes like banishing the Orchid Wishlists which were pretty stagnant for a long time!

I would also like to recommend taking a look at some of Eric Hunt's Orchid Species Photographs, including his showcase of an orchid expedition to Borneo last year. Eric has some great pictures of orchid species, as well as pictures of other flora of the area, including nepenthes as well as photos of scenery in the area (Sarawak, Sabah, Malaysia). I think I have at least one other blog post about Mount Kinabalu and it would definitely be an amazing place to visit for orchid enthusiasts!