Brassavola digbyana

I have nothing in bloom in my collection right now, and no recent sightings of orchids in the wild, so I had to search elsewhere for pictorial content for the blog!
Thanks to Flickr and Creative Commons licensing, I found this nice shot of Rhyncholaelia digbyana alba ’Mrs Chase’AM/AOS taken by Flickr photographer Scott Wilson.
I have a fairly young Rhyncholaelia digbyana (Brassavola digbyana) in my collection which I purchased last May from Schreiber's Orchids. It has a new shoot on it, so at least, unlike a number of other plants in my collection, it seems to be doing alright. I do tend to water it less than other plants so perhaps that is its saving grace.
Maybe one day it will grow up to flower like the plant in this picture! I have read that the flowers have a lemony scent.
I love your blog!!! I found another couple of pictures from a Cattleya orchid site.
Rhyncholaelia digbyana
Good luck with your R. digbyana. Mine rotted from too much water but my grandfather had a magnificent mounted specimen that thrived for many years.
Thanks very much for your comment. Interesting to read that digbyana grows in the Yucatan. I wish I had known to watch for it on the side of the road when we were visiting in the summer of 2004. Thanks also for the tip, I will try and resist watering ... I usually keep it pretty dry. It just finished growing a new (its first here) leaf. Happy holidays!
What a cool flower...any idea why 1 flower stalk from Brassavola x 'Little Stars' would suddenly turn brown and shrivel? The other two are blooming fine. Temperature fluctuation, moisture?
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