Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jumellea arachnantha

Here are some pictures of my one purchase from the Southern Ontario Orchid Society show a few weekends ago. It's a Jumellea arachnantha that had 4 spikes on it when i purchased it. The spikes survived despite the change in environment and have grown about 3 times in height. Three of the spikes are now in bloom (successive) and the fragrance of this plant is amazing - especially in the evening. My plant doesn't look quite as spectacular as this plant, but it's doesn't look too bad!

Jumellea arachnantha is an African species (Madagascar).


At 4:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have one of these plants in Miami Beach, Florida, for many months already. I got it from a vendor in California. It seems to be doing fine, except there are no spikes yet, even though the plant seems to be blooming size. I was wondering if it will ever bloom in our area as it seems to be originally from high altittude mountains.


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