First plant is Encyclia adenocaule. Normally this orchid would have had allot more then just this one flower, but for some reason, when the flower spike was developing it crunched off the rest of the flowers and left only one. Am happy even with the one, it has a delightful fragrance and comes from the oak forest of western Mexico.

One of my favourite orchids is Brassovola nodosa. In the evening the flowers become fragrant and wow... it smells up an entire room! Just fantastic, I believe this is for night pollinators such as months?? The fragrance is sweet and a bit spicy...

Last is a mystery New Guinea species that I got a long time ago. It's flowers last only two days, but it is a small growing creeping minature that is very easy to grow. A big plant looks spectacular with a mass of these flowers covering it.
I love that mystery New Guinea species!
I love your blog...I'm a novice orchid grower..Have a few phaelonopses and one cattalya...Mostly into rescuing the poor orchids that come through the local Lowe's stores...I learn a lot from you all, and I love the photos. Would love to see your collection..Keep up the good work...
im sure its an Diplocaulobium meby its an Diplocaulobium phalangillum
nice blogg btw :)
have a good one
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