Visiting orchids
During our visit to Windsor our friends showed us their family greenhouse which contains both orchids as well as other tropicals. We saw some very nice orchids including a huge vanda with gorgeous peach coloured flowers, pictured below. Also pictured is an orchid, name unknown, that apparently produces two different types of flowers, one of which looks like a green bug!

Hi Naomi,
The mystery plant is a Catasetum. It is one of only a few orchids that have male and female flowers. Male flowers are usually colorful while female flowers are usually green and not that colorful. Both male and female are bug like.
What a beautiful bloom.
Thanks for the info, Sasha!
The last one looks like an Catasetum fimbriatum, but I must see the flower to tell you. Congratulations
Hmmmmm, did you mean Windsor, as in Sonoma County?
Windsor, Ontario.
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