Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Marriott Orchids

I stumbled across Marriott Orchids last week while looking for information on wild orchids or orchid growers in and around Savannah, Georgia. Marriott Orchids is actually in North Carolina, not Georgia, however, the Deep South Orchid Society, based in Savannah, mentioned Marriott Orchids and that is how I ended up at their site.

If you're into Paphiopedilums you must check out Marriott Orchids, described as breeders "of complex paphiopedilums, with an emphasis on pinks and whites...also, select species and primaries."

Even if you can't make it to their greenhouses you'll find lots of fabulous pictures of plants to drool over. The Gaulois 'Blackout' AM/AOS (Goultenianum x rothschildianum, priced at $750USD for a division, definitely caught my eye!


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